
Phobias are an irrational, intense fear reaction to something – and it can be anything! They can be instinctive e.g. spider phobias. A fear of spiders can be passed on through our DNA as our ancestors survived by a healthy fear of poisonous spiders!  Phobias can also be learned (through conditioning) e.g. witnessing a mother’s fear of mice. They can be the result of trauma, e.g. a dog phobia after being attacked by a dog or claustrophobia resulting from being trapped in a confined space.

Agoraphobia can develop from a series of untreated panic attacks, where the only safe place is perceived to be home.

Fear of flying is a common phobia which may arise from having gone through a frightening experience during a flight or imagining such a scenario (having watched a film or heard about an incident that happened to a friend). It can also be linked to claustrophobia – being in a confined cabin space, or the feeling of not being in control.

People who suffer from phobias may feel embarrassed by their condition, knowing the fear is irrational but nevertheless feeling completely helpless to overcome it.

Phobias can seriously restrict people’s lives but Human Givens therapy offers a treatment (the Rewind technique) that works quickly to permanently cure phobias.

Overcoming Phobias

I can help you to overcome phobias by using the Rewind Technique – a powerful and safe visualisation technique which:

  • Removes the intense fear from the phobic object or activity
  • Reprocesses associated traumatic memories so that they are no longer intensely emotional
  • This is often achievable in a single session, although a follow-up session is advised